The Ultimate Guide to Distributed Tracing: Monitor your Rails app using Opentelemetry, Jaeger and New Relic Agent

June 25, 2023 · 467 words · 3 min · opentelemetry gsoc

In this blog post we will learn how to instrument a Rails app using OpenTelemetry and send traces to Jaeger and New Relic simultaneously. For additional information on OpenTelemetry, you can refer to my previous post. Furthermore, basics are adequately covered in the OTEL docs Without further ado, let’s dive right into it. Installing Required Gems Add these gems to your Gemfile gem "opentelemetry-sdk" gem "opentelemetry-exporter-otlp" gem "opentelemetry-instrumentation-all" Once added bundle install

GSoC Chronicles: Week 3

June 18, 2023 · 317 words · 2 min · gsoc

Certainly the best week of my GSoC journey so far. The changes that were merged this week will have a direct impact on hundreds of thousands of users. This is the first time I have pulled off such a task. I am thankful to my mentor Aboobacker for guiding me through it. Despite numerous potential challenges, we effectively replicated attachments and seamlessly conducted data migrations, ensuring seamless transfer of previous data without any disruption or downtime.

Hitchhiker's Guide to GSoC: Week 2, Don't Panic Edition

June 11, 2023 · 642 words · 4 min · gsoc

It was an exhausting week filled with challenges, unexpected workload from college was overwhelming, leaving me with an awful lot of work to handle. On top of that, I had to juggle with my extracurricular commitments as well. It was a constant struggle to stay on top of everything and find a balance between my various responsibilities. I did manage to make good progress on my GSoC tasks, although I acknowledge that I still need to improve my time management skills.

GSoC Week1: Migrating assets to AWS S3

June 4, 2023 · 244 words · 2 min · gsoc

Week 1 (29 May - 4 June) The Community bonding period was an incredible and refershing experience overall. I was excited and eager to start coding after the mentor meets. As a result I started coding few days before the actual period. This additional time was beneficial since the first task involves important production migration. Such tasks are not very straightforward, so the extra time allowed me thoroughly validate and test each part of my code.

Community Bonding Period at

May 28, 2023 · 523 words · 3 min · gsoc

What is Community Bonding Period? The Community Bonding Period typically spans several weeks leading up to the official start of coding in GSoC. It allows students to connect with their mentors and the open-source community. During this time, participants engage in various activities to familiarize themselves with the organization’s codebase, development processes, and community culture. How did I spend it? During the initial days following the announcement of the GSoC results, contributors were assigned separate private channels for their respective projects.

My Journey to GSoC 2023 with CircuitVerse.Org: How I Prepared and Applied for the Program

May 5, 2023 · 901 words · 5 min · gsoc

What is Google Summer of Code? Google Summer of Code is a global, online program focused on bringing new contributors into open source software development. GSoC contributors work with an open source organization on a 12+ week programming project under the guidance of mentors. Earlier this program used to be student only, but that barrier is no more and anyone can apply to GSoC. Read more about the eligibilty criteria